BETA This playbook is in BETA, we think it’s good enough to be useful right now, but there are gaps that need filling – your feedback will help us to improve it.


Use the Somerset Council colour palette and refer to the colour matric for accessible combinations.

colour palette


Atkinson Hyperlegible – for the design team, Arial for all other use. See the Foundations – Typography section for what we do on the web.

Atkinson Hyperlegible

atkinson font

Arial font

arial font

Visual devices

Use, and follow the guidance for approved ‘topographics’ in professionally designed materials.

Topographics picture


Use icons that match the brand style.


Use high-quality images which are positive and inclusive.

Tone of voice

Approachable and accessible using plain English with no jargon.

You can read further guidance on how we approach written content here.


While it won’t always be possible or practical to incorporate all seven of the elements (for example, a Council Tax bill won’t include imagery) it is important that each element is considered during the design process.

Incorporating the seven pillars will make sure that our communication is consistent, recognisable, inclusive, and accessible.

Last reviewed: August 29, 2023 by Jennifer

Next review due: February 29, 2024

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