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Five very different visual identities each with a heritage of their own, have played a huge role in creating the brand identity for the new Somerset Council

Overview1. Logo clear space2. Logo sizing3. Logo placement4. Working with partners5. Logo usage


Five very different visual identities each with a heritage of their own, have played a huge role in creating the brand identity for the new Somerset Council. We recognised that the skills and vision lay within our authorities to deliver an exciting new brand for Somerset Council. The new logo has been achieved through a collaborative effort from our in-house graphic designers with input from a range of user groups.

Why the Dragon?

The dragon is deeply rooted in the history of Somerset and is regarded as an ancient symbol of great strength. The dragon holding a mace is heraldic imagery gifted to the County Council in 1911. Taking inspiration from our past but clearly looking to the future, the new logo featuring a modern dragon conveys that we are a new council, looking forward but not forgetting our heritage.

Why the five-sided shape?

In common with the dragon our five-sided shape purposefully faces forward to signify our direction of travel. The distinctive and recognisable shape tested well for accessibility and neatly contains the dragon. The five sides represent each of the former councils coming together as one.

4. Working with partners

Somerset Council as the lead organisation
When working with partners as the lead organisation, the Somerset Council logo should be the most prominent. This would normally mean the Somerset Council logo is placed larger, at the top of materials and the partner logos are placed smaller, as a group elsewhere, usually alphabetically. Partner logos should be placed along the bottom of a material, rather than the top.

For some resources such as tri-folds, the logos can instead be placed on the back page.

When Somerset Council is the lead organisation, the materials should be designed using the Somerset Council branding.

Somerset Council as an equal partner
When working as an equal partner, all logos should be placed so that no logo is more prominent than any other. For example, this could be a strip of logos along the bottom of a poster. Unless agreed otherwise partner logos will be displayed alphabetically.

When Somerset Council is an equal partner, the branding used could be that of a partnership, campaign or of Somerset Council. This should be agreed with the other partner organisations.

If you are unsure, please contact the Communications Team.

Logo use with partners diagram

Last reviewed: August 31, 2023 by Sophie

Next review due: March 2, 2024

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