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Use the download component whenever your service is asking the customer to use a file

OverviewWhen to use this componentWhen not to use this componentHow it works


The download component lets customers easily identify a file that is attached to the service they are using, it also gives the customer essential information about the file such as filetype and size (large files may not want to be downloaded on mobile connections).

When to use this component

This component should be used whenever the service is asking the customer to use a file, a file is important for the customer to read or a file is important for delivering the service to the customer.

When not to use this component

This component should not be used when there is a large amount of files that are not important for the customer to read or needed to receive the service. If there are a large amount of files then a bullet point list of links can be used to save vertical space.

How it works

There are two types of download components, one with a preview image of the downloaded file and the other with a generic file icon. A preview image of the document should be used whenever possible to show the customer what to expect.

PDF files generate a preview by default, for all other file types or if you cannot access the PDF preview image a screenshot of the front page has the same effect. If it is not possible to create a preview image then using the generic image is allowed.

Preview image

Document preview

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin euismod, erat id convallis interdum.

pdf, 2.96 KB

Generic document

Document preview

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin euismod, erat id convallis interdum.

ODT, 3.46 KB

Last reviewed: August 29, 2023 by Jennifer

Next review due: February 29, 2024

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